If your reading this article you’re most likely wondering about taking a dog to USA from UK. Well, the good news is your in the right place and below your find everything you need to know to make this a success. Make sure you pay close attention to rules and requirements when making any plans to travel abroad.
Now according to the information I’ve researched from the Centers for Disease Control, (CDC), there are some requirements you need to follow for Taking A Dog To The USA From UK.
Taking A Dog To USA From UK
Health Certificate
You will need a Health Certificate for your dog called a certificate of veterinary inspection (CVI) when entering the united states, and on this health Certificate, there will be a record of all the medical tests your dog would have taken as a requirement, before heading to the USA.
This health Certificate will be filled in, stamped then signed by an Official Veterinarian. This is to say that your dog is fit and healthy enough to travel and that your dog has had all the necessary tests to travel to another country.
A Health Certificate can only be issued by an Official Veterinarian, so if you want to enquire about getting a Health Certificate simply contact your local vet and they can advise you further.
Dog Vaccinations
When bringing a dog to the USA you must have a valid rabies certificate showing that they have been vaccinated for rabies. It can take 28 days for the rabies vaccine to fully immunize and protect your dog.
If this is the first time your dog has been vaccinated you need to vaccinate your dog at least 4 weeks before you travel. A puppy must not be vaccinated under 3 months old and if you are traveling with a puppy then the rabies certificate must include the puppy’s date of birth.
If you have a dog that’s 15 months and older then you are required to show the history of any previous rabies vaccinations and have a record of all booster rabies vaccinations. So make sure you have this paperwork to hand when entering the united states.
Now there are certain countries that are considered high risk for importing rabies into the United States. If your traveling from any of these countries I’ve listed below, you must a valid rabies vaccine certificates to enter the United States.
- Africa
- Americas & Caribbean
- Asia
- Middle East
- Eastern Europe
Your dogs rabies vaccination certificate must include
- Name and address of the owner
- Breed, sex, date of birth and identifying information for the dog
- Date of rabies vaccination and vaccine product information
- Date of when the vaccination expires
- The Name, license number, address, and signature of a veterinarian who administered the vaccination
All this information was researched from the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and if your dog does not meet any of the (CDC) requirements when entering the united states then your dog could be denied entry into the country. For more information Click Here

Airline policies
One of the key things when flying with your dog is finding the right Airline, there are plenty of airlines that accept dogs on board, but depending on which airline you use the rules and regulations can be different.
For example, If you were to use American Airlines to take your dog to the USA from the UK, they allow dogs to travel with you in the cabin, ‘BUT’ only if your dog does not exceed 9 kg this is including the dog carrier, with the maximum dimensions of 48 x 33 x 22 cm.
If you exceed the weight or dimensions mentioned above, ‘then’ your dog will have to travel in the cargo hold. The maximum dimensions for the dog crates in the cargo hold are 101 x 68 x 76 cm your dog must also have room so they can move and turn around inside the dog crate itself.
Your allowed two dogs per passenger but only one dog carrier in the cabin.
How much can it cost?
Taking your dog on board can cost anything up to $125 per kennel Within and between the United States and Canada, Mexico, Central America, Colombia, and the Caribbean, but always double-check with your airline when booking your flight.
Dogs Micro-chipped
Now there’s no law in the US that says dogs need to be micro-chipped, but I do recommend it. Especially if it’s your first time visiting the USA, or you’re relocating there.
The United States is a big place and if for whatever reason your dog goes missing, this can be heartbreaking for you the owner, and the chances of finding your dog without a microchip can be slim.
If your dog has already been micro-chipped then great, just remember to make sure your details on the chip are up to date. but if your dog hasn’t been microchipped and you’re wondering where you can get this done, all you need to do is call your local vet and they can make the arrangements.
This is a painless procedure for your dog and only takes seconds to install, there will be a fee, but this is something your vet will advise you about before you go ahead with the implant.
Dog Carrier
When taking a dog to the USA from the UK or any other country, you will need a dog carrier to transport your dog, not only that, but all Airlines require your dog to be in a suitable carrier or crate when boarding the plane as mentioned above.
The last thing you want is for your dog to be refused entry on a plane or at the border, because your dog carrier does not meet the rules and regulations, even after everything you have gone through to get your dog this far.
The best solution for this is to get an airline approved dog carrier that meets the requirements.
One place where I was very surprised at how cheap theses dog carriers are is Amazon if you want to see how much theses airline approved dog carriers cost and to read the reviews check out our Travel products page

Banned Dog Breeds In USA
So after spending hours researching this and finding out what are the banned dog breeds in the US, I’ve learned that most of theses dogs listed below are banned in certain states and some have strict requirements if you own one.
Any states in the US that do let you own one of these breeds of dog, comes with very strict rules, first, the owner must be over 21 years old, and if you own say a pit-bull, then you are required to complete a special registration form and prove the possession of public liability insurance.
- American Pitbull Terrier
- American Staffordshire Terrier
- Saffordshire Bull Terrier
- American Bulldog
- Dogo Argentino
- Fila Brasileiro (Brazilian Mastiff)
- Ca de Bou (Majorca Mastiff)
- Mastino Neapolitano
- German Shepherd
- Rottweiler
- Tosa Inu
- Cane Corso
- Dogo Canario
- Akita Inu
- Japanese Mastiff
- Bandog
- Bullmastiff
- Doberman Pinscher
- Kuvasz
- Chow Chow
Now according to the Michigan State University College of Law and there’s a section called History of Breed Specific Legislation and they state.
A New Mexico town completely banned pit bulls and allowed county officers to confiscate and euthanize the dogs. Also that year, Cincinnati, Ohio enacted a regulation that defined vicious dogs to include all pit bull terriers,” and put special restrictions on the confinement, sale, and control of those dogs which were not applicable to other breeds. In each of these situations, one breed of dog has been singled out as inherently dangerous to society, regardless of the individual dogs’ present or past behavior.
If you want to know more about this click on the link above there you can get more information.
Also if your interested to know more about what other countries have banned theses type of dog breeds, read this article called which countries that don’t allow dogs there your see a detailed list of breeds and what country there banned from.
So after reading this article it can sound complicated, on how to bring a dog to the USA from the UK but just follow the rules and regulations and you be fine, it always good just to double-check everything as you go.
I think the USA is a fantastic place to visit with your family and your dog, there’s plenty of dog friendly locations to visit, so don’t forget to take plenty of videos and photos especially with your dog, as a reminder of all the fun you and your family had with your dog.
If your planning to travel with your dog on a plane and want to know if they can travel with you in the cabin, read this article below you should find this very helpful.
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