10 Green Veggies That Dogs Can Eat

Dog-Friendly Vegetables

Dogs are omnivorous animals that can digest both plants and meats. And Veggies? Yes, Of course, quite a lot of them. 

Dogs, just like humans, require eating vegetables and fruits regularly.

It helps in balancing their nutritional intake and maintaining their body vitals.

Though vegetables are not a MUST for them but including them in your dog’s daily meal will anyway benefit.

Unless your Dog is particularly allergic to certain things, feeding him veggie is safe and sound. 

However, feeding your dog vegetables does not mean that the list includes all the known vegetables.

While there are certain safe options, some veggies are a big NO for dogs. Come, let’s put some light onto it. 

10 Green Veggies That Dogs Can Eat 


Kale is a power source of nutrients and not just for humans but also ideal for dog feeding.

Its vitamin and antioxidant properties strengthen your dog’s immune system, while the fibrous properties aids in digestive health.

Regular consumption of Kale also improves vision and metabolism while maintaining bone health.

TIP: Kale is rich in oxalates, which can lead to the formation of kidney and gallbladder stones if consumed in high quantity. It can also block your Dog’s ability to absorb calcium. 


Spinach is another nutritional powerhouse offering a variety of key vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

It contains vitamins like B6, B9, C, K, and E. Along with that, it contains a high amount of magnesium, potassium, folic acid, iron, calcium, and carotenoids. 

TIP: Spinach, just like Kale, is rich in oxalates; thus, consider feeding it in moderation.

Brussels Sprouts

Closely similar to Kale and Spinach, Brussels Sprouts is another green veggie that your Dog can eat.

It contains nine prime nutrients along with antioxidants, fibers, and ALA Omega-3 fatty acids.

It also protects dogs and humans against diabetes and certain cancers. 


Celery is one healthy addition to your Dog’s meal. Since it contains 95% water, it is one great option for those dry and warm summer days.

Veterinarians also suggest celery for dogs who are prone to obesity or are overweight.

For dogs who have heavy fur or certain skin conditions, it helps in maintaining the shine.

Celery is also one superfood for canines suffering from arthritis or any kind of joint pain. 

Green Beans

Greens Beans are crunchy vegetable treats for dogs. Beans are rich in important vitamins and minerals, including vitamin K, C, A, and B6, and calcium and iron. Dog owners often use green beans as a training treat (with their ends cut off).

You can feed raw (cut small), frozen, or boiled/ steam beans to your Dog.

While canned beans are an easy option, consider checking the ingredients. Consider avoiding it if it contains flavors, even salt, and sugar. 


Cucumber is one great salad/ snack option for both humans and dogs. It is rich in vitamin C, beta-carotene, manganese, flavonoids, triterpenes, and lignans.

It also contains phytonutrients properties that offer anti-inflammatory benefits to your dogs.

Cucumber is 95% water which makes it one of the best summer snacks for dogs.

Especially if you are watching your canine’s weight, consider adding cucumber to their daily diet. 

Pick organic cucumbers preferably. If you are not sure about that, peel the skin before feeding them. Introduce cucumbers slowly into their diet.

You can consider it as a mid-morning or evening snack. Make sure you cut them short enough for your Dog to chew comfortably. 


Broccoli is another nutrient-dense green veggie that dogs can eat. Its anti-inflammatory properties protect dogs against cancer while benefiting their digestion. 

Though Broccoli contains isothiocyanates, if overfed, it can upset your Dog’s stomach.

Like other vegetables from the cabbage family, Broccoli can also prove gassy to some dogs. Thus, instead of as a regular meal, feed Broccoli as a treat. 

Avoid raw or overcooked Broccoli; instead, give it light steam. Either finely chop it or make a puree, whichever way your Dog likes. 


Parsnips don’t fully fall into the ‘Green Veggie’ category, but it is one great food choice for dogs. It is rich in potassium, vitamins B6 and C, along with folic acid.

For dogs with any kidney issue, this is one must-have veggie, though a consideration from the vet is recommended. 

 You can feed both the root and leafy part of Parsnips to your Dog. While the root is fine enough to chew as snacks, consider blanching leaves before serving. 


Peas are another healthy vegetable option for your Dog.

This small green legume is rich in vitamins A, B, C, and K, along with nutrients like folate, thiamine, and manganese.

Peas are also a good source of dietary fiber and protein.

Dogs who cannot or do not eat meat can have peas in their daily diet.

You can either feed them peas, pearls, or even with the shell.

Avoid using canned peas as they may contain several flavors and preservatives which are not recommended for dogs. 

Also, if your Dog is prone to kidney and gas issues, peas may not prove a good diet option for them. 

Green Bell Peppers or Capsicum

Offering vitamins like A, C, and lots of antioxidants, Green Bell peppers are a healthy veggie option for dogs.

If you want to consider more options from the family, red bell peppers are any day the finest veggies that dogs can have.

They are rich in carotenoid phytonutrients, beta-carotene, antioxidants, and a number of vitamins. 

Bell peppers are ideal for dogs who are suffering from arthritis or are of old age. Its tissue repairing properties also helps in fighting cancer.

Beta-carotene present in Bell peppers improves vision and slows down the aging process in dogs. 

However, choose wisely and only pick sweet bell pepper/ capsicum.

Avoid giving spicy peppers to your canine, or it may lead to Diarrhea, upset stomach, Vomiting, or Dehydration.

List of Fruits and Vegetables that dogs cannot eat

Not (ALL) fruits and vegetables that humans eat are good for Dogs.

Because some of them can prove toxic for your Dog, always be mindful of whatever you are feeding them.


Not toxic but does not provide any benefits either.

Asparagus, when raw, is difficult for dogs to eat, but when cooked, it loses all its nutrition content.

Onion, Garlic, chives, and other aromatic veggies

Any such vegetable or herb can rupture your Dog’s red blood cells resulting in internal bleeding and even more fatal conditions.

Onion poisoning in dogs is quite common, especially amongst Asian breeds.


Rhubarb greens/ leaves are marked unsafe for both humans and dogs.

It contains oxalic acid that can lead to kidney failure and even coma. It also reduces the calcium in Dog’s body.

If your Dog eats Rhubarb leaves unknowingly, take him to the vet immediately. 


One should never feed grapes to their dogs. If eaten, it can lead to kidney failure and severe fatal conditions in dogs. It is recommended to connect with your vet immediately. 

Lime/ Mandarin/ Lemon

If your Dog’s treat has lime, lemon, or any citrus flavor, you can safely go forward with it. But on the other hand, feeding them these citrus fruits directly is a big no. 

Top 7 reasons why your Dog must eat their Veggies

  • It helps in alkalizing their body.
  • Vegetables are a rich source of Vitamins for dogs. 
  • It provides a wide range of essential nutrients, especially phytonutrients, which are in no way found in meat.
  • Dark green and leafy vegetables are packed with essential minerals. 
  • Fibres in vegetables and fruits aid digestion in dogs and help regulate their metabolism. 
  • Vegetables and fruits keep Dog’s body hydrated.
  • Vegetables that are rich in antioxidants like lutein and beta-carotene reduce the chances of cancer in dogs. 

Things to consider while feeding vegies to your Dog

  • While feeding green leafy vegetables to your Dog, make sure it is fresh, organic, and chemical-free.
  • Leafy vegetables as raw are difficult to digest, and when cooked, they lose their nutrients. Thus, every time you feed some leafy veggies to your Dog, either steam or blanch them (veggies, not Dogs).
  • Similarly, like humans, dogs too are picky eaters. At times while you feed them plain greens, they might simply reject. Thus, the best method is to puree the steamed/ blanched greens and mix them with their regular meal. 
  • Make sure any leafy green must not exceed the maximum of 10% of your Dog’s diet.

Wrapping Up

Vegetables can prove both a tasty meal or a crunchy treat for your pet dogs.

However, despite how much researches claims, always do an allergy test before adding any vegetable to your Dog’s diet.

In contrast, you can exclude certain vegetables considering your Dog’s medical condition.

For others, feed only a small portion and check how your Dog reacts.

Or, to remain on the safer side, you can always take professional advice from your vet.