Dogs are unpredictable, which can make flying with your pup a bit nerve-wracking,
And one of the worst things that could happen on an airplane is if your dog starts barking uncontrollably after takeoff and before landing.
Not only is it stressful for both you and your pet, but also for others on the plane, if your dog starts barking once you are up in the clouds at 30,000 feet.
The fear of what will happen if your dog barks on a plane are something many owners face.
If your dog does keep barking on a plane that results in upsetting the passengers then the flight attendants may take your dog to the cargo hold, supervised by an onboard veterinarian for the remainder of the flight.
Now, there’s nothing that anyone else can do to make your dog stop barking except for you! and if that doesn’t work then yes the next step will be the cargo hold.
If your dog keeps barking on the plane continuously, flight attendants will come over and ask if they can help.
Flight attendants are really helpful and will keep the passengers happy while you try and calm your dog.
Obviously, you can’t leave the plane when you are 30,000 feet in the air!
“But” they may give you permission to take your dog out of the carrier, to comfort them.
A dog can end up barking on a plane for a number of reasons! Even the slightest change in cabin pressure and altitude can set them off.
This blog post is for dog owners out there who want to know why dogs bark on a plane and how to prevent it.
so, here we go…
What Happens If My Dog Barks On A Plane?
What will happen if my dog barks on a plane? This is one of the most common questions that people ask if it’s their first time flying with their dog.
In this article, we will help answer some of the questions like what happens if your dog barks on a plane? and also talk about what you can do to prevent it.
1. Passengers Might Complain About The Barking
If your dog keeps barking then this can be annoying for other passengers on a plane, and they could end up complaining to the flight attendant.
The flight attendant will try to do everything they can to keep the passengers quiet.
However, if your dog keeps on barking and the plane is still on the ground then the flight attendant could ask you to leave “but” this would only happen if all other options have been exhaust.
2. The Flight Attendant May Put Your Dog In Cargo
When traveling by plane, most airlines only allow small pets in the cabin and a carrier under the seat of the passenger who owns them.
But if you have a dog that continues to bark even under the seat then the flight attendant may put your dog in the cargo!
With that said, this would only happen if you are unable to stop your dog from barking.
3. Your Dog May Need Sedation During Flight
If your dog is making noise then there’s a good chance that they’ll need to be sedated during the flight.
Some dogs don’t react well to sudden changes in cabin pressure and altitude so a sedative may be necessary
If you think your dog won’t do well on the plane then it’s best not to take them with you!
It’s also highly recommended that you consult with your veterinarian about what medication they need before buying flight tickets.
4. You Could Be Asked To Leave The Plane After It Lands
You might be surprised to know that there are some people who were asked to leave the plane after landing.
Because they are unable to keep their dog quiet.
Not only is this a shocking fact, but it can also happen when you least expect it.
This can be very worrying if you have a connected flight as they will not allow you to board the next flight if you can’t keep your dog quiet.
5. Customs Could Impound Your Dog Until You Return
There’s nothing more heartbreaking than being denied entry into another country because customs officials think your beloved pooch is a danger to society.
The same thing can happen if your pet dog keeps barking and seem to be in distress,
To many people who don’t know your dog as you do, it can look like your dog is a danger especially if it’s scared and as a result could be refused entry.

How To Prevent Your Dog Barking On A Plane?
Don’t worry about your dog’s behavior on a plane, With some preparation and training, it can be an enjoyable experience for both of you!
If your dog is a frequent flyer, you know that sometimes it can become difficult to keep them quiet on the plane.
So below we will give you some tips and tricks for how to make sure they are quiet during takeoff and landing.
So below we have provided you with some things you can do to help your dog be more comfortable on the flight and stop them from barking so much.
1. Train Your Dog To Get Used To The Carrier
A lot of dog owners struggle with their dogs having a fear of the carrier. This fear can be from past experiences or just being completely unfamiliar with it.
The best way to get your pup used to his carrier is by getting him accustomed in small steps.
Training your dog to get familiar with the carrier is much easier than you may think.
It all starts with some basic desensitization, where your dog familiarises things similar in texture and being in the carrier.
You can do this by laying a blanket/ towel over it, placing treats on top, or letting them sniff around.
If your pup is at ease with the dog carrier they are less likely to bark or feel stressed.
2. Use A Carrier That Is Comfortable
Keeping your dog as comfortable as possible can differently help with their anxiety and keep them calm.
Your dog will be spending a long time in carriers, so you want to make sure that they are comfortable.
The most important thing dog’s carrier size, which should allow plenty of room to stand up and turn around.
This is also a requirement for most airlines or you won’t be able to board the plane.
It’s also important that it can hold your pup comfortably while still being easy enough for one person to carry.
3. Use A Dog Muzzle That Prevents Barking
Dog owners have a lot of responsibilities when it comes to boarding a plane with your dog.
One major responsibility is making sure your dog is behaving well and most of all he is quiet and composed.
However, if your dog barks a lot you should consider using a muzzle.
Although this may sound cruel to some people, dog muzzles are very handy and quite comfortable on their snout.
Muzzles can help with undesirable behaviors like barking on the plane by preventing your dog from opening its mouth.
Although they are useful in certain situations, they should only be used when absolutely necessary.
4. Use Sedatives After Consultation With A Vet
If you think your dog may suffer from separation anxiety or the feeling of loneliness,
A veterinarian can prescribe medication to help your pup feel more comfortable while on the plane.
Sedative administration is to calm anxious animals and lessen the distress they experience during times of solitude.
Your vet will need to assess your pet’s condition before taking them abroad or prescribing sedatives.
The thought of using sedatives on your pet dog is a daunting one.
It feels like you’re abandoning them and putting them to sleep when they are not ready for it.
However, it may be necessary especially when you are 30,000 feet in the air.
5. Ample Exercise & Bathroom Breaks Before Flight
It’s a common misconception that dogs can hold their bladder for much longer than they actually can.
This is especially true when it comes to long-distance travel.
It’s crucial to plan ahead and provide ample exercise so your pup will have plenty of opportunities to relieve himself before getting on the plane.
Naturally, dogs will bark when they need to do their business so if you’re on the plane and your dog is barking it could be something as simple as they just need the toilet. So planning ahead is very important!
6. Don’t Remove The Dog From Carrier During The Flight
One of the most common questions dog owners have when they’re flying with their pets is whether or not to remove them from their carrier during the flight.
This can be a difficult decision, but removing your dog from the carrier might result in an unruly animal that jumps on other passengers and disturbs others as well as themselves.
You can remove your dog from the carrier but only if the flight attendant tells you it’s ok or again your dog is having trouble being on the plane and needs caring for.
7. Use Treats
Some dogs can be a nuisance on a plane and if you’re looking for a way to keep your dog happy and calm during the flight then feeding them a tasting treat can solve this problem.
Small treats can be given in order to distract your dog from being destructive or getting into any other sort of mischief (including excessive barking on a plane). This is also a perfect training tool!
Dog treats are the perfect training tool to help your pup learn manners, (like not to bark) They’re small, tasty, and can also be used as a reward for excellent behavior.
The only problem is too many treats and your dog will need the bathroom!
Reasons Why Some Dogs Bark On A Plane
There’s a host of factors that can cause dogs to bark in public, including excitement, frustration, or fear, and traveling on an airplane is no exception.
A plane is a strange and unfamiliar place for your dog.
It’s dark, it smells different, and there are all sorts of Loud noises that they often habitual to hear.
Dogs have an uncanny ability to sense when something is amiss.
Dogs are always the first ones to notice when the plane starts getting ready for takeoff, and some will start barking loudly before take off.
Why A Dog Barks On The Plane
- The Unfamiliar Noise Of The Plane.
- Change Of Pressure In The Cabin
- The Dog Could Be Suffering Anxiety
- The Dog Needs To Go To The Bathroom
The best way to ensure your dog has a safe and comfortable flight is by putting them in a crate before boarding the airplane so they’ll minimize any noise or disruption while on board. Packing food and water along with toys is also helpful!
The most important thing you can do as a pet owner is prepared your dog before getting on an airplane.
Give your dog plenty of treats and toys in advance so that he or she will have something enjoyable with which to occupy themselves during the flight time.
This will help them avoid feeling anxious or bored when confined inside such a small space!
If you’re planning a trip with your dog, it’s important to know the Rules For Flying With Dogs In The Cabin.
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) requires proper securing of all animals in an approved carrier or cage during takeoff and landing.
This is because dogs can panic when exposed to sudden changes in air pressure, so they need extra support from their owners.
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